International Coach Federation Deutschland

Why am I paying you? - Rony Gruber

Why am I paying you? - An inquisitive webinar about the inherent tension of our trade.

 Has a (potential) client ever asked you this question:" Why am I paying you"? Which client’s emotion/s could you sense? Was it probably curiosity, frustration (being stuck in own problem state), anger (for not being consulted) or another reaction?

 How did you feel being asked this question? What was your (first) reaction? And which kind of definition of coaching were you able to provide your client to explain the potential professional coaching might offer the client?

 Coaching as a profession is considered, throughout the world as somewhat of an enigma.

When do you seek the help of a coach? Isn't a coach basically a less educated psychotherapist? What is coaching's ROI and how can I measure it? And if she/he doesn't offer me advice or solutions, why should I hire him? 

 It is time to start demystifying coaching and the answers should be coming from us.

 Let us approach these important questions with an explorative and interactive LAB Format (with breakout sessions) 


Rony's vast experience as a former film director sharpened his talent for cultivating a creative space for his clients to play out their personal and professional narratives and form a deeper understanding of who they are and how they wish to present themselves in the world.

As the creator of "Cine Inspired Coaching", Rony offers his clients a unique and efficient method to bypass cognition, increase viable options and stretch the boundaries of their vision.  With over 20 years experience as a writer/film director, Rony (President of ICF) Israel has perfected the match between the language of cinema and the transformative power of coaching.


Anne Schweppenhäußer is managing partner of CICERO Organisationsentwicklung GmbH, Stuttgart. She is a certified psychologist specializing in Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Professional Certified Coach (ICF), Senior Coach BDP, Mentor Coach, certified user of the Hogan Assessment System, Narrative Coaching Enhanced Practitioner and currently in certification for "Narrative Coaching"

Desired outcome for participants

  • Facilitate and help you as a professional coach to deliver your message
  • Creating the awareness what is needed to be bridged between marketing and (personal) branding
  • Getting a step closer to what could be a suitable business model for the coaching profession


Thursday, 2019, September 26, 7 p.m. (CEST) = 8 p.m. (IDT), 60 – 90 minutes


Please purchase your ticker here.



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