International Coach Federation Deutschland

Spiral dynamics – how to use for transformational processes

How to use the model of spiral dynamics transferred into a simple iceberg model to become aware about categories of hierarchy, roles played in them and tools to leave the old pyramidal system behind and become a charismatic leader in coaching.


Speaker: Sandra Weckert

Sandra Weckert, born 1973 in former GDR, is a jazz musician, coach and organizational developer, who wrote 4 books “Processor Empowering People BASIS, TEAMER, LEADER, MASTER containing 50 tools for leadership coaching. She published 10 CDs, composed more than 100 music tunes including operas, stringquartets and music for theater plays. She is the founder of the braintreeacademy®, the inventor of the bigbandmethod®. In 2021 she turned her company into a franchise for coaching and teamevents.


Benefits for the participants

  • Tool: Icebergmodel by Sandra Weckert of spiral dynamics
  • Tool: „Hierarchy“ developed by Sandra Weckert
  • Tool: „Tyranny“ developed by Sandra Weckert
  • Tool: 5 core competence fields of a leader
  • 30 minutes time for Question and Answers



Information to follow on Eventbrite


More information



Wed, 2 February 2022, 19:00 – 20:30 CET



Please purchase your tickets on Eventbrite




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