International Coach Federation Deutschland

EMCC and ICF team coaching certifications

Are you wondering what all this hype around new team coaching certifications is about?

In this mini-workshop, Kirsten Dierolf, MCC, will share:

  • the requirements for EMCC accreditation in team coaching
  • her experience in the pilot group of the new ICF team coaching accreditation
  • how easiest to apply for and receive this credential

Do come and ask all of your questions!

Looking forward!

Speaker: Kirsten Dierolf

Kirsten Dierolf, M.A., ICF MCC, EMCC MP, ESIA, ITCA MP, IASTI MASFP is the owner and founder of SolutionsAcademy, a global coach training academy with ICF and EMCC accredited programs. She is the author of “Solution Focused Team Coaching”, co-author of “The Solutions Tango” and “Coaching plain and simple” and editor of “Solution Focused Practice around the World” published as the result of the first global conference of Solution Focus which spanned all applications of SF, an initiative she spearheaded in 2017.

She is the author of “Solution Focused Team Coaching”, co-author of “The Solutions Tango” and “Coaching plain and simple” and editor of “Solution Focused Practice around the World” published as the result of the first global conference of Solution Focus which spanned all applications of SF, an initiative she spearheaded in 2017. Kirsten was instrumental in founding the first peer reviewed journal for Solution Focused work in organizations “InterAction” in 2008 which she edited from 2008-2016. She has published over 50 articles on Solution Focused Coaching, writes on her weekly blog ( and contributes to the ICF Germany’s podcast (


Benefits for the participants:

  • Clarity on team coaching certification requirements
  • Strategies for applying to ICF / EMCC
  • Clarity on chosing ICF / EMCC or both


Further Information



Information follows on Eventbrite



Thu, 5 May 2022, 18:00 – 19:30 CEST



Please purchase your ticket on Eventbrite




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