International Coach Federation Deutschland

Virtual Education - Archiv

22 Nov 2021 | Dr. Katarzyna Schubert-Panecka

Peer Consulting

During the peer consulting sessions (introvision) we are going to reflect our work | attitude | methods and tools based on concrete casework, the...


04 Nov 2021 | Alexandra Burn

The benefits of coaching in nature (eco-coaching) - what the research says

Sharing the research, including my own, into the benefits of eco-coaching, taking coaching conversations outdoors into nature.


25 Okt 2021 | Felix Müller

„Jetzt hab ich’s! – Wie Coaches Aha-Momente unterstützen können“

Aha-Momente gehören zu den schönsten Augenblicken für Klient:innen und Coaches: Für Klient:innen sind dies magische Momente des Glücks, wo alles...


25 Okt 2021 | Andrew Bunting

English-Speaking Coaches in Germany: Open Space to discuss community, culture, connection, co-creation and more

  • Are you a certified professional coach living in Germany who works mostly in English?
  • Are you looking to connect with like-minded coaches and to...

19 Okt 2021 | Julia Carden

What is the role of self-awareness in the development of the coach?

This short lecture will talk about my research which has explored the importance of self-awareness in our development as coaches, including an...




Virtual Education

Europas größte virtuelle Live-Plattform zum Thema Coaching
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CoachingLAB 24 in Nürnberg


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