International Coach Federation Deutschland

Virtual Education - Archiv

25 Mai 2021 | Andrew Bunting & Judith Martin

English-Speaking Coaches in Germany

What’s the purpose?

To co-create and co-run a coaching community for (near) native English speakers in Germany, with the aim to foster quality...


21 Mai 2021 | Francisco Villanueva

Beziehungsvertrauen im Coaching - Aktivier dein Vertrauen, und dann das der Anderen

Lass dich durch Embodiment, und kognitive Impulse, durch Co-regulation und durch „Trustplay" ins interpersonelle Vertrauen führen.


21 Mai 2021 | Katerina Kanelidou

Team & Group Coaching with Social Impact

Coaches all over the world are becoming increasingly aware of the social, environmental, and other issues, and are offering their services.


21 Mai 2021 | Dr Tünde Erdös, MCC

Know thy body! Integrative presence: A needs exchange through somatic responsiveness in dialogue

Presence is defined as the capacity to spontaneously respond to others’ needs any given moment. This capacity shows in your body before you even utter...


21 Mai 2021 | Julia Atkinson

Coaching auf allen Ebenen

Mit der Pandemie haben sich der Coachingbedarf und die Themen verändert.




Virtual Education

Europas größte virtuelle Live-Plattform zum Thema Coaching
mehr >

CoachingLAB 24 in Nürnberg


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